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Category Archives: Life Insurance

Could you bounce back from an unexpected income shock?

We live in an increasingly uncertain world. In fact, for more and more people in the UK, economic insecurity has become the ‘new normal’ with at least 70% of the UK’s working population ‘chronically broke’, according to a recent study reported in the Guardian. The truth it seems is that... Read More button-arrowbutton-arrow

Crowdfunded funerals are on the rise

According to the BBC in 2018, the funeral of a Big Issue North seller was paid for through donations raised online, but just how common are crowdfunded funeral services nowadays? Donors and well-wishers made sure Peter Toulson received a "funeral befitting of a proud, dignified, lovely man". The magazine vendor died in... Read More button-arrowbutton-arrow

Life insurance myths busted

Life insurance is an important part of financial planning and each day families welcome the benefit financially from insurers. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) recently reported that insurers pay out £13.9m per day in income protection, critical illness cover and life assurance. Roshani Hewa, Assistant Director, Head of Health and... Read More button-arrowbutton-arrow

Life insurance – a little advice could go a long way

These days we are fortunate, there has never been so much choice of insurance products designed to help us protect our loved ones. However, like so many things in personal finance, this can be a mixed blessing: on the plus side, with more variety comes the ability to tailor insurance... Read More button-arrowbutton-arrow