Cover Doesn’t Have To Be A Headache

How migraines can have an effect on your life cover policy.
It is commonplace that migraines have no real effect on life insurance, however in severe cases they can cause a rise in your premiums. If you suffer, don’t let this discourage you from sorting out your policy – there are ways to arrange cover that won’t leave you feeling like a bear with a sore head.
Migraine is not just a headache. Anyone affected by the condition knows that it can include many symptoms, including nausea and vomiting, as well as disturbed vision. They can last anything from around four hours to several days, and have been linked to depression.
Whether or not your migraines will have an impact on what you pay depends on a number of factors, including when you were diagnosed, what medication you take and how often you need to seek treatment. It also matters whether or not you have ever been hospitalised from migraine.
If any of these are you, don’t worry – you can still get cover. If you suffer from migraines, particularly if they are severe, speak to an advisor. They can help you understand how underwriters evaluate health conditions and can identify the type of policy best for you.