Don’t Be Haunted by Life Insurance

Halloween is just around the corner and whilst our children’s thoughts turn to devilish costumes and dreaded confectionary, us parents (and grandparents) are intent on avoiding morbid matters.
Many of us take out insurance for our mobile phones, cars, homes or holidays. However many people, unwilling to face the thought of death, never buy life insurance cover at all. Only four in ten people in the UK have life insurance according to a report published earlier this year by Aviva.
Isn’t it ironic that despite our increasing willingness to share all sorts of information about our daily lives on social media, many of us are still unwilling to talk about death. No one knows what the future holds, but making and sharing plans for the inevitable could secure the financial future of our little ghosts and goblins if the worst were to happen. Life insurance not only gives us peace of mind but it could also make life easier for our loved ones.
We know that choosing the right amount of life insurance can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be scary. Fortunately, we believe that buying life insurance should be kept straightforward – that’s why we make sure that we get the essentials right and you get the right policy, at a price that works for you.
We know it pays to shop around and that when it comes to looking after your loved ones, you’ll want the best. But shopping around for the right cover can take time, time that many people simply don’t have. So we’re here to help, with no tricks, just the treat of finding the right cover for you.
Our experienced team of life insurance experts will quickly understand your needs and talk you through a range of cover options and they’ll offer advice on the type of policy that will best suit your circumstances and budget.
Comparing the market for the right policy is made a whole lot quicker and easier when you’ve got someone with experience and know-how doing it for you.
So if you are thinking about life insurance, don’t let it haunt you. Life insurance could help ease the financial strain on your family at an already difficult time and we’ll allocate you a dedicated advisor to guide you through the process to make your experience heavenly.
But don’t just take our word for it, read what our customers have to say about us here – and be brave and get in touch on 0800 612 8005, we’d love to help and take your fears away too!