Want To Live A Longer, Healthier Life? Be Happy!

Happiness is your body’s way of saying ‘Well done, keep going.’ It’s a common assumption that smiling happy people generally outlive their grumpy counterparts, Essential we are taking a look at the science behind it. Have a read below and see if you can turn that frown upside down, you... Read More 

Case Study: Where Death-in-Service Isn’t Sufficient

Last week, we discussed the shortfalls of life insurance provided by employers, today we’re taking a look at a case study – one that demonstrates the disastrous consequences that can arise from not having enough life protection. Many people assume adequate cover will be offered through their employment, however this is... Read More 

Employer Cover vs. Life Insurance Benefits

How much cover does death-in-service really provide? Is it sufficient? Some employers in the UK offer a type of cover akin to life insurance, known as death-in-service benefit. While there are some similarities, it’s important to know the difference between the two – here we will explain the key points... Read More 

Checking Your Cover: Review Before You Renew!

Here at Essential, we cannot stress enough the importance of making sure your life cover is up to date. To avoid any unwanted surprises, it’s imperative that you have a good understanding of your financial situation and insurance coverage, as well as keeping your cover accurate and up to date.... Read More 

You Can’t Put A Price On A Mother’s Love… Or Can You?

Cover for the stay-at-home parent. You should never underestimate the cost of a stay at home parent. In many cases, when considering life cover families will think to ensure the breadwinner. But don’t forget about the parent who stays at home – just because they’re not bringing home the bacon,... Read More 

Cover Doesn’t Have To Be A Headache

How migraines can have an effect on your life cover policy. It is commonplace that migraines have no real effect on life insurance, however in severe cases they can cause a rise in your premiums. If you suffer, don’t let this discourage you from sorting out your policy – there... Read More 

Is Work Working Against You?

‘Hazardous’ jobs and how they impact on your life insurance. Believe it or not, your occupation has a great impact on the cost of your life insurance policy. The workplace is somewhere we spend a mighty chunk of our precious time, and it possesses risks that insurance companies must evaluate.... Read More 

Timing Is Everything

How much time it usually takes to set up your life insurance. One of the most common questions about life cover is how long does it take to set up a policy? The timing it takes from when you apply to when you are covered can vary depending on many... Read More 

Family Medical History: Go Through With a Fine Tooth Comb

Declaring your families’ medical history to your insurer. Death can be a pretty sensitive subject. Insurance underwriters may seem to be cold-hearted, sizing you up and calculating your life expectancy, and charging you more if there’s greater risk that you will die early. Unfortunately, that’s how life insurance works. Your... Read More