Budget 2018 and other reasons why cohabiting couples might consider marriage

Official figures show that unmarried couples living under one roof are the fastest growing family type in the UK, more than doubling from 1.5 million families in 1996 to 3.3 million in 2017. However, with a growing proportion of people choosing to cohabit without marrying or entering into a civil... Read More 

Life insurance myths busted

Life insurance is an important part of financial planning and each day families welcome the benefit financially from insurers. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) recently reported that insurers pay out £13.9m per day in income protection, critical illness cover and life assurance. Roshani Hewa, Assistant Director, Head of Health and... Read More 

Can Brits afford not to insure their homes?

The jaw-dropping value of possessions owned by the UK’s 27 million households, and the amount that is uninsured was laid bare earlier this year by the Association of British Insurers (ABI). The value of the UK’s household contents is now nudging towards £1 trillion (one million million: £1,000,000,000,000), with the... Read More 

It’s no fairy tale – income protection could offer financial security to ‘Peter Pan’ generation

A new study from LV= reveals that people in their early thirties are putting off life milestones such as having children or buying a home, due to being one of the least financially resilient groups in the UK. Dubbed the ‘Peter Pan’ generation, too many of this age group feel financially... Read More 

Life insurance – a little advice could go a long way

These days we are fortunate, there has never been so much choice of insurance products designed to help us protect our loved ones. However, like so many things in personal finance, this can be a mixed blessing: on the plus side, with more variety comes the ability to tailor insurance... Read More 

It does pay to be insured

If you’re thinking about taking out life insurance, we understand that you may have concerns about the likelihood of a successful payout if you, or your family, ever had to make a claim. We’ve all heard the horror stories, but thankfully these are very few and far between and that’s... Read More 


Sadly, by the age of 16, around 1 in 20 young people will have experienced the death of one or both of their parents according to the childhood bereavement network. As a parent, it’s heart-breaking to think that at least one of my daughter’s classmates may end up going through such... Read More 

“That feeling… knowing the people you care about will always be looked after – priceless!”

Not many people like to talk about death and even though you never know what’s around the next corner, for some people the thought of considering buying life insurance fills them with dread, for others it may seem daunting, dear and dull. As a broker who advises people about life... Read More 

Millions of hard-working couples are ill-prepared for financial shocks

Latest research from LV= has found that there are 3.2 million working couples in Britain that are open to financial ruin if one of the two loses their earnings. They have classed this group as ‘Double Income, No Option’ households (DINOs) which means they are dependent on two incomes to... Read More 

Mums are like buttons…They hold everything together

It’s almost Mother’s Day when, on the fourth Sunday in Lent, that’s the 11th March this year, many of us will be showing our true love and appreciation to our Mums with chocolates, flowers, and breakfast in bed. If you’re a mum, the things you do are valued and they... Read More