12 million UK adults suffer hardship due to unexpected ill health or death

Research from Aviva shows, almost a third (31%) of UK adults have experienced temporary or permanent leave from work due to ill health, a cancer diagnosis or even a death of a long-term partner. Sadly, more than three quarters (77%) of these have seen their finances suffer, equivalent to 12.3... Read More 

Widowed parents and children lose out under new scheme

In April, the Bereavement Support Payment was introduced, replacing the Bereavement Payment, Widowed Parent’s Allowance and Bereavement Allowance. Intended to provide a more streamlined benefit, the net gainers of this benefit are those under 45 with no children, with the losers of this new payment those with children, particularly those... Read More 

Funeral costs soar 4.7% in a year, to over £4,000

The annual Cost of Dying report, published this month by SunLife, reveals that the cost of a basic funeral has risen for the 14th year in a row and now stands at £4,078, an increase of 4.7% in just one year and a huge rise of 112% since they started... Read More 

‘Generation Rent’ exposed to financial risk

The percentage of households privately renting in the UK is ‘on the up’ according to a report published by the Department for Work and Pensions earlier this year and the percentage of 35-44-year olds privately renting has more than doubled in the last ten years. If you're one of the... Read More 

Debt caused by rising funeral costs reaches an all-time high

The Royal London National Funeral Cost Index 2017 reveals the average cost of a funeral has increased by 3% from 2016 and now stands at £3,784. Funeral debt has also risen to an all-time high of £160 million as people borrow from friends and family or the bank to cover... Read More 

Mistrust could put families at unnecessary risk

Over the years, you may have read tabloid stories exclaiming, “Mother-of-two dying of ovarian cancer is refused life insurance pay out". Disturbing news, if you’re one of the 26% of UK adults who are regularly paying your life insurance premiums. After all, what’s the point of making regular payments if,... Read More 

Parents tell of the life-changing impact illness can have on family finances

More than one in four (27%) families have experienced a loss of income due to ill-health, serious illness or death within the family, according to a study by Aviva. The experiences of families who have encountered an unexpected loss of income have been published in Aviva's Protecting Our Families report. Their... Read More 

The true value of life insurance

Coming to terms with the death of a loved one is hard enough. But with the possible added financial pressure of losing an income, this can make a distressing situation even more difficult to cope with. Yet, in a recent survey conducted by Aviva, 68% had no plan for dealing... Read More 

Almost half of UK adults say life insurance is essential

47% of all people in a recent survey commissioned by Royal London say that life insurance is essential for anyone with a mortgage or dependants. However, whilst so many of us recognise a need for protection cover this doesn’t necessarily translate into an action to buy. The research was done... Read More 

The cost of being ill

When there is a vicious bug going around the office or if someone you know has a terrible cold, have you ever thought, ‘please don’t let me get ill, I can’t afford to be off work’? I know I have – because I’m worried about my workload and having to... Read More