More Brits insure their phone and their pet, than take out critical illness cover

I know how much people love their pets (and how much it can cost to pay vet fees). I also know how much it costs to buy the latest mobile phone and so I understand why many of us choose to take out pet and phone insurance –18% of UK... Read More 

One in four families have lost income due to ill health, serious illness or death

Figures revealed in a recent report by Aviva show that unexpected loss of income is sadly much more common than people might think - with 27% of people surveyed experiencing a loss of income due to ill health, serious illness or death, 11% experiencing long-term loss of income and 7%... Read More 

Tony’s story: there’s no pressure financially to get back to work…

…” That’s been the most important thing; that I can recover from this properly.” Married with two young children, Tony from Hertfordshire had always considered himself a fit and healthy person who led an active and busy life. When he was diagnosed with a succession of chest infections in the... Read More 

Chris’s story: you never know what’s around the corner…

… “but following the operation, I’m lucky enough to have now made a full recovery so I’m able to look forward again.” Chris, who was diagnosed with bowel cancer when she was 54, recalls the moment her worst fears were confirmed. “It was a long and difficult day with lots... Read More 

5 reasons why ‘Millennials’ should think about life insurance sooner

Today, Millennials, young adults or you (if you're aged 18-30) face numerous financial challenges in addition to everything else they have to tackle - from confronting student loan debt to working out how to save for retirement. Budgeting, enjoying the summer festival season and paying back debts are a priority.... Read More 

UK employees just one month from the breadline

Research from Legal & General’s ‘Deadline to Breadline’ has shown that on average UK employees could be on the breadline in just 32 days if they lost their main source of income – an extremely short period of time for someone to find a new job, but what if the... Read More 

It won’t happen to me…

Every 2 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer. Every 7 minutes someone in the UK will have a heart attack. Every 12 minutes someone in the UK will have a stroke. And yet so many of us are without a plan in place to help ourselves or... Read More 

Have you got it covered?

One of the benefits of buying protection insurance (such as life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection) is peace of mind – but it’s not enough to simply have this kind of insurance – you need to have the right insurance. By right, we mean insurance that will cover... Read More 

Life insurance could cost a lot less than you think.

How much does life insurance cost? Probably a lot less than you think. A recent study of 2000 people by Royal London found that almost one in three of those who do not have life insurance thought it was too expensive, yet the reality is premiums can cost as little... Read More 

Most life insurance claims are paid, fact!

Having insurance to protect your family against the loss of life, or a critical illness, can provide peace of mind for many people. The trouble is, many more people are sceptical. A recent survey undertaken by Aviva, one of the largest insurance providers in the UK, found that just 47%... Read More