Worried About Buying Life Insurance?

You've made enquiries, studied your options, you've even spoken to your family and friends about it and now you have decided that having life insurance is a wise choice. For many people, purchasing a life insurance policy is a great choice. But, as with any insurance purchase, you may have concerns and don’t know who to turn to.
If this is the case, your anxieties are probably best handled by an experienced and knowledgeable insurance advisor.
The Money Advice Service says that going to a broker can be advantageous if you are unsure of your options. Insurers won’t always offer you every type of cover if you go directly to them. Brokers can help point out the types of cover available and help you work out what you need.
What’s more, getting the expert advice of a broker will not cost you more and it could save you time and money in the long run. This is because like comparison sites, a broker will get paid commission by the insurance provider for selling their products - so you don’t pay them a fee for shopping around to get you the best deal they can. Unlike comparison sites they have specialist expertise and will give you advice on the products that best suit your needs.
By addressing any worries you have with a life insurance advisor you can make sure you get a solution that best suits your needs. However, we know there are some things that you'll want to research first, before talking to your life insurance advisor, so you will be better prepared.
I am worried about the life insurance medical questions...what do I need to know?
If you have decided to purchase life insurance, you will inevitably be asked to answer a few questions about your lifestyle and health. The main reason life insurance companies need to do this is to assess how much premium you will be charged.
Here at Essential Insurance we will ask you questions to get a picture of your circumstances – so we can find you the best deal we can from leading insurers based on your situation and needs.
In addition to basic health questions about your weight and height, you’ll be asked whether you have ever had any serious medical conditions such as a heart attack, stroke or cancer. We’ll need to know if you have suffered with any less serious illnesses more recently (in the last five years), such as raised blood pressure or raised cholesterol or any condition affecting your kidneys, bladder or prostate, for example kidney or bladder stones, amongst other things.
Relating to the last 12 months, you’ll be asked if you have had any medical condition, illness or injury that you’ve received treatment for over a continuous period of 4 weeks or more?
You will also be asked about illnesses for your immediate family – your mother, father, brother or sisters.
A medical is only generally required if you don’t know the readings or results of some medical conditions for example if you have raised blood pressure or diabetes. Or if the medical condition requires a history of how it has been controlled for example with diabetes type 1 or heart conditions.
You will also be asked questions about your lifestyle. For example, during the last 12 months have you smoked any cigarettes, cigars, a pipe or used nicotine replacements? Or whether in the last five years you have taken any recreational drugs other than cannabis, for example cocaine, ecstasy, heroin – methadone – or anabolic steroids not prescribed by a doctor.
And whether you have you ever been told by a health professional that you should reduce the amount of alcohol you have because you were drinking too much?
This might seem like a lot to ask - and this (of course) isn’t the complete list – but if you speak to one of our experienced advisors they’ll quickly navigate you through the questions necessary in order to work out they best deal they can for you based on your individual circumstances.
If you have any concerns regarding life insurance, call us today on 0800 612 8005 and speak to a member of the team, we’ll be happy to help.